Created and hosted by the Columbia Play Commission, in collaboration with KaBOOM!, and with funding from the Kiwanis Club of Columbia, the Monroe County YMCA, the Columbia Rotary Club, Traube Tent Company and the City of Columbia, the free event is designed to discover the fun, education and recreation available in the city’s many public recreational areas and playspaces. Envisioned as a day to play by organizers, the event will feature interactive stations that will introduce visitors to the themes and activities found in Columbia’s parks, many of which are little known--or completely unknown--to many residents.
Events run from 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. that day. Admission is free, and this is a rain or shine event.
“It’s really just a fun afternoon to get out and discover our parks,” states John Traube, chair for the Play Commission. “Our hope is that families and kids of all ages will come for the fun and leave with a better appreciation for where to spend unstructured afternoons year-round.”
KaBOOM! recognized Columbia this year as a “Playful City USA,” a national recognition honoring cities and towns across the nation committed to taking action for play. Columbia was the only community in the St. Louis metropolitan area so honored.
More details on this event are available via the Play Commission’s blog.